We provide IT solutions which serve to increase the efficiency of businesses and to improve the customer experience 

Years on the market
Offices in the Baltics
Developed products

Over the course of more than 30 years of operations, we have been the first to implement several novel areas of technology have helped businesses to perform better in our domestic markets, in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We understand the needs of the market. We are aware of the opportunities that can be provided through the application of technology, and we are creating novel solutions in cooperation with our partners, which serve to increase the efficiency of business operations and improve the customer experience.

Our solutions

Our partners

We understand the needs of the market. We are aware of the opportunities that can be provided through the application of technology, and we are creating novel solutions in cooperation with our partners, which serve to increase the efficiency of business operations and improve the customer experience.

We select our business partners with great care and responsibility to assure the highest standard and customer satisfaction to our clients.

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Our clients who have trusted us