
State-of-the-art retail optimization software

Relex is an integrated retail and supply chain planning system that analyzes historical data and market trends to optimize a variety of trade processes, from demand forecasting and supply chain management to workforce planning, pricing and advertising strategies, and shelf space management.

Relex focuses on:

  • Demand planning

  • Merchandising 

  • Supply chain

  • Retail operations


Demand planning

Improve your forecast accuracy with AI

Integreerige lühiajaline nõudluse ja pikaajaline nõudluse prognoosimine üheks sujuvaks protsessiks
Tehisintellekt õpib igapäevaselt uusi teadmisi teie klientide ja tarneahelate kohta, võimaldades hiljem õpitud protsesse automatiseerida
Ensure online orders fulfilled from stores, customer backorders, and online orders redirected from one fulfillment center to another are correctly accounted for in your fulfillment forecasting and future inventory planning.


Successfully execute your promotions with high availability and no excess stock by improving your planning, forecasting, and fulfillment
Make markdowns easy by  targeting the right products at the right time and right price. Maximize the success of discounts, and improve margins while cutting costs.

Poe põrandapinna planeerimine

Improve customer choice and store profitability with rapid and flexible assortment planning software that can accurately analyze assortments to identify both underperforming and exceptionally performing products.

Supply chain

Automatiseeritud laovarude täiendamine

Take control of your supply chain by automating, streamlining, and simplifying complex inventory optimization processes to drive 99+% availability with less stock

Improve the sustainability of your fresh retail supply chain by cutting food waste while reaping the benefits of maximized freshness, higher sales, and minimized markdowns for your perishable items.

Retail operations

Workload forecasting lays the foundation for accurate labor planning, helping you drive down costs while raising service levels.
Make data-based scheduling decisions that ensure you have enough staff available to manage your projected workload while increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and improving both sales and employee satisfaction.